What does it mean when we dream of falling in love with someone that is also existed in real life?
Dreaming about falling in love with someone who exists in real life can mean a few different things, depending on the context of the dream and the feelings you had during the dream.
If the dream is positive and you feel happy and fulfilled while dreaming of falling in love, it could mean that you have unresolved feelings for this person in real life. Your subconscious is exploring these feelings and the potential for a romantic connection.
However, if the dream is negative or unsettling, it could suggest that you're feeling anxious or uncertain about your real-life relationship with this person. It's possible that something about the relationship is making you feel unsure, and your subconscious is trying to explore these feelings through a dream.
Overall, it's important to remember that dreams are subjective and their meaning is highly personal. If you're feeling confused or unsettled by a dream about falling in love with someone you know in real life, take some time to reflect on your thoughts and feelings about that person. Consider talking to a trusted friend or loved one, or even seeking the help of a therapist to work through these emotions.